# SGBM Disp12MaxDiff

# SGBM P1 parameter

# SGBM P2 parameter

# SGBM PreFilterCap

# Image resize before dense stereo

# SGBM SpeckleRange

# SGBM SpeckleWindowSize

# SGBM Uniqueness ratio

# Disable automatic left-right detection

# Offset in pixel to be applied. Positive: move right image to the right. Negative: move right image to the left

# Number of dilate steps to be applied to the disparity map

# Number of erosion steps to be applied to the disparity map

# Maximum disparity allowed

# Disparity median filter window size (0 to disable)

# Minimum disparity allowed (in px)

# Minimum number of triangulated point to proceed with plane estimation

# Maximum point-plane distance allowed for the reconstructed point-cloud

# number of RANSAC rounds for plane estimation

# RANSAC inlier threshold

# Maximum point x-coordinate for plane refinement

# Minimum point x-coordinate for plane refinement

# Maximum point y-coordinate for plane refinement

# Minimum point y-coordinate for plane refinement

# use point to camera distance as weight during LLS plane fitting

# Random seed for ransac. -1 to use system timer

# Save final reconstructed point cloud also in PLY format

# Save in 16-bit compressed format

# Save 3D point cloud before plane outlier removal

# Save a scaled version of input images (Set 1 to skip or a value <1 to specify scale ratio)

# Swaps left-right images (only valid if DISABLE_AUTO_LEFT_RIGHT is set)

# Triangulation bounding box bottom coordinate in px wrt. the left image (-1 to disable)

# Triangulation bounding box left coordinate in px wrt. the left image (-1 to disable)

# Triangulation bounding box right coordinate in px wrt. the left image (-1 to disable)

# Triangulation bounding box top coordinate in px wrt. the left image (-1 to disable)

# Minimum ray angle for triangulation (in degrees)

# Stereo match window size

# Z-gap percentile for outlier filtering