:============================================================================= : NAMELIST FOR SEDIMENT BEHAVIOUR AND MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS :============================================================================= : : namsedim_mixsed : sedimentological parameters in case of the mixed sediment : dynamics model (requires key_sedim_mixsed) : namsedoutput : parameters using for output results in the file sediment : : :------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : l_fricwav : boolean set to .true. if using wave related friction factor for bottom shear stress : : fricwav : wave related friction factor (used for bottom shear stress : computation) : : l_ repsed : boolean set to .true. if sedimentary variables are initialized : from a previous run : : filrepsed : file from which the model is initialized for the continuation : of a previous run : : l_dzsmaxuni : boolean set to .true. if user define (in sed_init) dzsmax : variable with space (depend on i,j) : : dzsmaxuni : valeur uniforme de l epaisseur max. de la couche superficielle (m) : : uniform value of dzsmax : maximum thickness for the superficial sediment layer (m) : must be >0 if l_dzsmaxuni=.TRUE. : or if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.FALSE. : or if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.TRUE. but dzsmax(i,j) not present in filerepsed : must be =0 if l_dzsmaxuni=.FALSE. and l_repsed=.TRUE. and dzsmax readed in filerepsed : : l_consolid : boolean set to .true. if sediment consolidation is accounted for : : aref_sand : Reference height above sediment, used for computing of sand deposit : parameter used for sand extrapolation on water column and correct sand transport : value by default=0.02 correspond to Van Rijn experiments : DO NOT CHANGED IF NOT EXPERT : : dt_sed : time step for dynamic processes in sediment (consolidation/diffusion/bioturbation) : : date_start_sed : starting date for dynamic processes in sediment : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : SEDIMENT initialization : : l_unised : boolean set to true for a uniform bottom initialization : z0seduni : uniforme bed roughness (m) : hseduni : initial uniform sediment thickness(m) : cseduni : initial sediment concentration (cseduni) : l_init_hsed : (only for key_mixsed) : .true. if we want to adjust the sediment thickness in order to be coherent with sediment parameters : calculation of a new hseduni based on cseduni, cvolmax values, and csed_ini of each sediment, : csed_mud_ini : (only for mixsed option) mud concentration into initial sediment (if =0. ==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud) : ksmiuni,ksmauni : lower and upper grid cell indices in the sediment : sini_sed : initial interstitial water uniform salinity (in the sediment) : tini_sed : initial interstitial water uniform temperature initiale : (in the sediment) : l_initsed_vardiss : boolan set to .true. if initialization of dissolved variables, : temperature and salinity in sediment will be done with concentrations : in water at bottom (k=1) : : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : NUMERICAL SCHEME WITHIN THE SEDIMENT (namsedim_mudsand only) : : fimpls : facteur implicitation (entre 0 et 1) : xcvgce : fraction de dttas pour calcul explic. iteratif : :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : SEDIMENTARY BEHAVIOUR MIXSED : : - mixed sediments properties :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : cvolmaxsort : maximum volumic conentration of sorted sand : cvolmaxmel : maximum volumic concentration of mixed sediments : csed_mud_ini : mud concentration into initial sediment (if =0. ==> csed_mud_ini=cfreshmud) : - erosion : :::::::::::::: : activlayer : active layer thickness (m) : frmudcr2 : critical mud fraction under which the behaviour is : purely sandy : coef_frmudcr1 : such that critical mud fraction under which sandy behaviour : frmudcr1=min(coef_frmudcr1*d50 sand,frmudcr2) (old name = eroa1) : x1toce_mud,x2_toce_mud : toce = x1_toce_mud*(relative mud concentration)**x2_toce_mud : (old name = eroa2, eora3) : : E0_sand_option : choice of formulation for E0_sand evaluation : : E0_sand_option= 0 E0_sand= E0_sand_para read in this namelist : E0_sand_option= 1 E0_sand evaluated with Van Rijn (1984) formulation : E0_sand_option= 2 E0_sand evaluated with erodimetry formulation (min(0.27,1000*d50-0.01)*(tenfo-toce)**n_eros_sand) : E0_sand_para : coefffcient used for evaluation of erosion flux for sand : n_eros_sand : parameters for erosion flux for sand (old name=erob1) : E0_sand*corfluero*(tenfo/toce-1.)**n_eros_sand : WARNING : choose parameters compatible with E0_sand_option (example : n_eros_sand=1.6 for E0_sand_option=1) : : E0_mud, n_eros_mud : parameters for erosion flux for pure mud (old name : erob2, erob3) : E0_mud*corfluero*(tenfo/toce-1.)**n_eros_mud : corfluer1,corfluer2 : correction factors for erosion flux computations : : corfluero=1.+corfluer1*MAX(0.0_rsh,corfluer2-csed_tot_surface) : : ero_option : choice of erosion formulation for mixing sand-mud : ****these formulations are debatable and must be considered carefully by the user. *** : **** Other laws are possible and have to be programmed. ***** : ****Ces formulations sont discutables et doivent etre considerees avec soin par l utlisateur. *** : **** Bien d autres lois sont possibles et peuvent eȘtre programmees ***** : ero_option= 0 : pure mud behavior (for all particles and whatever the mixture) : ero_option= 1 : linear interpolation between sand and mud behavior, depend on proportions of the mixture : ero_option= 2 : formulation derived from that of J. Vareilles (2013) : ero_option= 3 : formulations proposed by B. Mengual (2015) with exponential coefficients depend on proportions of the mixture : xexp_ero : used only if ero_option=3 : adjustment on exponential variation (more brutal when xexp_ero high) : reglage de la variation de l exponentielle (plus brutale quand xexp_ero eleve) : : : l_erolat_wet_cell : .true in order to take into account wet cells lateral erosion : : prise en compte de l erosion laterale y compris pour les cellules mouillees) : coef_erolat : slope effect multiplicative factor (facteur multiplicatif pour prise en compte de l'effet de pente) : coef_tenfon_lat : parametre pour evaluer la contrainte laterale en fonction de la vitesse tangentielle moyenne sur la verticale : : : - deposition: ::::::::::::::::: : cfreshmud : prescribed fresh deposit concentration (kg/m3) : dzsmin : minimum sediment layer thickness(m) : csedmin : concentration of the upper layer under which there is : fusion with the underlying sediment cell : slopefac : Slope effect multiplicative (Facteur multiplicatif pour prise en compte de l'effet de pente on deposit) : : - consolidation: ::::::::::::::::: : cmudcr : critical relative concentration of the surface layer : above which no mixing is allowed with the underlying sediment : (equivalent to csmaxmel when using key_mudsand) : xperm1,xperm2 : permeability=xperm1*d50*d50*voidration**xperm2 : dtcal_sed : sub time step for dynamic processes in sediment (< or = dt_sed) : csegreg=250.0 : NOT CHANGE VALUE if not expert : csandseg=1250.0 : NOT CHANGE VALUE if not expert : : - diffusion ::::::::::::::::: : choice_flxdiss_diffsed : choice for expression of dissolved fluxes at sediment-water interface : = 1 : Fick law : gradient between Cv_wat at dz(1)/2 : = 2 : Fick law : gradient between Cv_wat at distance epdifi : = 3 : empirical formula proposed by Boudreau and Shaw-Hanratty, depending on shear velocity : xdifs1,xdifs2 : within the sediment : xdifsi1,xdifsi2 : at the water sediment interface, : epdifi : diffusion thickness in the water at the sediment-water interface : : - bioturbation (NOT YET USED) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : l_bioturb : boolean set to .true. si taking into account bioturbation diffusion in sediment : xbioturbmax : max diffusion coeffient by bioturbation Db (in surface) : xbioturbk : coef (slope) for bioturbation coefficient betwwen max Db at sediemnt surface and 0 at bottom : dbiotu0 : max depth beneath the sediment surface below which there is no bioturbation : dbiotum : sediment thickness wherein the diffusion-bioturbation coefficient Db is constant (max) : frmud_db_min : mud fraction limit (min) below which there is no Bioturbation : frmud_db_max : mud fraction limit (max)above which the bioturbation coefficient Db is maximum (muddy sediment) : : : - morphodynamic (NON OPERATIONNEL) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : l_morphocoupl : .true if coupling module morphodynamic : l_bathy_smoothing : .true. in order to apply bathymetric smoothing (only when l_morphocoupl .TRUE.) : : BoolĂ©en pour lissage des modifications bathmetriques (seulement si l_morphocoupl .TRUE.) : MF : morphological factor (facteur multiplicatif des evolutions morphologiques permettant d accelerer le temps : : (on suppose que les evolutions morphologiques sur la duree MF*T sone egales a MF * les evolutions calculees sur la duree T) : MF : morphological factor : multiplication factor for morphological evolutions, equivalent to a "time acceleration" : : (morphological evolutions over a MF*T duration are assumed to be equal to MF * the morphological evolutions over T). : htncrit_eros : hauteur critique permettant de limiter l erosion par faibles profondeurs d eau : : Le seuil est different selon que la maille est en decouvrement ou recouvrement hese Hibma, 2004, page 78) : htncrit_eros : critical water height so as to prevent erosion under a given threshold : : (the threshold value is different for flooding or ebbing, cf. Hibma's PhD, 2004, page 78) : &namsedim_mixsed l_fricwave=.true. l_morphocoupl=.false. MF = 1.0 fricwav=0.015 ! 0.06 l_repsed=.true. filrepsed='save_sedim_2671230_VLtot_Ero_Seine_wssal_20151227000023.nc' l_consolid=.true. l_diffused=.false. choice_flxdiss_diffsed=3 l_initsed_vardiss=.true. dt_sed=600.0 dtcal_sed=30.0 csegreg=250.0 csandseg=1250.0 date_start_sed='04/01/2015 23:08:00' l_unised = .true. z0seduni = 0.0001 hseduni = 3.0 cseduni= 1200.0 l_init_hsed=.true. csed_mud_ini = 400.0 ksmiuni = 1 ksmauni = 50 aref_sand=0.02 sini_sed=35.0 tini_sed=10.0 cvolmaxsort=0.61 ! 0.58 cvolmaxmel=0.61 ! 0.67 activlayer=0.02 frmudcr2=0.7 coef_frmudcr1=1000. x1toce_mud=0.00001 !0.000005 !0.0015 ! 1.0e-5 !0.2e-5 !0.05e-5 x2toce_mud=2. ! 2. !1. E0_sand_option=2 E0_sand_para=1. n_eros_sand=1.6 E0_mud=0.0003 ! 0.0003 !0.001 n_eros_mud=1. ero_option = 1 xexp_ero = 2.0 ! 40.0 corfluer1=0. ! 0.01 corfluer2=350. cfreshmud=100. ! 100. ! =450. ou =100. if l_consolid=T dzsmin=1.0e-6 ! 1.0e-7 l_dzsmaxuni=.TRUE. dzsmaxuni=0.005 ! 0.1 csedmin=30. cmudcr=200. ! 600. xperm1=4.0e-12 xperm2=-6.0 xsigma1=6.0e+05 xsigma2=6 xdifs1 = 1.e-8 xdifs2 = 0.0 xdifsi1 = 1.e-6 xdifsi2 = 0.0 epdifi = 0.1 slopefac= 0. ! 0.01 coef_erolat=0. ! 0.002 coef_tenfon_lat=0. ! 5.0 l_erolat_wet_cell=.FALSE. l_bathy_smoothing=.FALSE. htncrit_eros=0.05 l_bioturb=.FALSE. xbioturbmax=1.157e-09 xbioturbk=6.0 dbiotu0=0.1 dbiotum=0.005 frmud_db_min=0.6 frmud_db_max=0.8 / :------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : OUTPUT in sediment :------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : l_outsed_saltemp : true if output Salinity and Temperature in sediment : name_out_XXX : name of variable saved in sediment output file : riog_valid_XXX : scalar specifying the minimum valid value for the XXX variable : choice_nivsed_out : choice of saving output : choice_nivsed_out=1 : all the layers (ksdmin to ksdmax) are saved (k=1 : bottom layer) (nk_nivsed_out,ep_nivsed_out,epmax_nivsed_out are not used) : choice_nivsed_out=2 : only save the nk_nivsed_out surficial layers (k=1 : layer most bottom) : choice_nivsed_out=3 : each layers from sediment surface are saved till the thickness epmax_nivsed_out which must be non zero and > dzsmax (k=1 : bottom layer) : this option is not recommended if l_dzsmaxuni=.False. : choice_nivsed_out=4 : 1 to 5 layers of constant thickness are saved; thickness are selected with ep_nivsed_out and concentrations are interpolated to describe the sediment thickness : (k=1 : surface layer) the thickness of the bottom layer (nk_nivsed_out+1) will vary depending on the total thickness of sediment in the cell : nk_nivsed_out : number of saved sediment layers (<6 if choice_nivsed_out=4,