INTRODUCTION This directory is part of the official repository of public bioinformatics data sets available from IFREMER research teams. PROJECT MPperlicoles_biomin RNASeq of Pinctada margaritifera exposed to pearl farming micro(nano)plastics for MICROLAG project, 2023 PUBLICATION Published to ENA under the accession number PRJEB63073. See: DOI: DATA ORGANIZATION Project is organized as follows: data is distributed within several sub-folders all of them being named using the EDAM Ontology ( 1/ Raw data is available from the 'data' sub-folder. 2/ Results from processing raw data is available in 'operation' sub-folder. 3/ In turn, sub-folders within 'data' and 'operation' rely on EDAM terms depending on data type (data sub-folder) or operation type (operation sub-folder). DIRECTORY CONTENT Raw fastq files are located in data/raw-sequence folder. Metadata are located in data/report/athena where one can find 2023_MPperlicoles_RNASeq.xlsx Excel file. Metadata are also accessible through data/report/athena/XML XML files. DATA RETRIEVAL wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 Command-line explained: -r: is for recursively download; -np: is for no parent ascending; -nH: is for disabling creation of directory having name same as URL i.e.; --cut-dirs: is for ignoring number of parent directories. see for more details.