INTRODUCTION This directory is part of the official repository of public bioinformatics data sets available from IFREMER research teams. PROJECT livacid RNAseq analysis reveals that transgenerational exposure to ocean acidification impacts the hepatic transcriptome of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). PUBLICATION Published to ENA under the accession number PRJEB59362. See: DOI: DATA ORGANIZATION Project is organized as follows: data is distributed within several sub-folders all of them being named using the EDAM Ontology ( 1/ Raw data is available from the 'data' sub-folder. 2/ Results from processing raw data is available in 'operation' sub-folder. 3/ In turn, sub-folders within 'data' and 'operation' rely on EDAM terms depending on data type (data sub-folder) or operation type (operation sub-folder). DIRECTORY CONTENT Raw fastq files are located in data/rna-sequence-raw folder. Metadata are located in data/report/athena where one can find 2022_RNA-Seq_LIVACID.xlsx Excel file. Metadata are also accessible through data/report/athena/XML XML files. DATA RETRIEVAL wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=4 Command-line explained: -r: is for recursively download; -np: is for no parent ascending; -nH: is for disabling creation of directory having name same as URL i.e.; --cut-dirs: is for ignoring number of parent directories. see for more details.